J. Ann Lentini, MD was born and raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She did her undergraduate education (BS, Psychology) at Furman University and completed medical school (MD at MUSC – Medical University of South Carolina) in Charleston.
Dr. Ann went on to Internship and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Residency (MCO – Medical College of Ohio) in Ohio. She then participated in supplemental psychodynamic psychotherapy training in Ann Arbor. Dr. Ann did coach training with Coach Accelerator (Coach Training Alliance) in 2006.
She is experienced in: Cognitive & Behavioral Therapy, Solution-Focused & Supportive Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Play Therapy, Interactive Meditation and Computer-aided Biofeedback, Animal-Assisted Experiential Learning, and Wellness & Health Consultation.
Dr. Ann has a background in lab work and research and is published in peer-reviewed journals in Interactive Biofeedback, Animal Assisted Therapy, Child Development Issues, & Neuroscience (see publications in CV below). She started her coaching practice in 2019.

Initial telephone consult: No charge. I see adults and children. Virtual consultation offered for convenience if appropriate. Office location: Outside Hendersonville (Hours 9a-2p).
“Come try a coaching approach to life stresses! I’m Ann, a physician by training; I believe having a guide and supporter is a powerful aid for transformation. I help problem-solve relationship and parenting difficulties, talk through stressors, teach relaxation skills (interactive meditation/biofeedback), assist in health & wellness goals, incorporate animal-assisted learning, use psychoeducation to promote self-understanding, and often just listen. I individualize guidance according to the person in front of me.”
Coaching can be important and life-changing work, beneficial for all walks of life. Some pro-bono and sliding scale spaces available (limited). See here for more info on services, fees, and policies.
Our WNC nature can be part of good therapy (photos in Gallery)… Get in it :-)!
Ann is married with two children. She enjoys reading, writing, photography, hiking, and other outdoor activities. See below for education background and full CV.
Contact info:
J. Ann Lentini, MD
Phone: 828-782-0343
Email: consult@docann.com
Office: Hendersonville, NC
Full CV
J. Ann Lentini, M.D.
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
MUSC – Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, 2005
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Major: Psychology; Minor Chemistry & French; Furman University, Greenville, SC, 1998
Michigan Psychoanalytic Counsel (MPC) – Psychotherapy Training & Coursework
Ann Arbor, MI, 2006-2008
Emergency Medical Technician Training
Greenville, SC, 1996
French Language Studies, Alliançe Française
Paris, France, 1992-1993
Ann Lentini, MD is a NC licensed GP (General Practitioner) who completed a two-year child & adolescent psychiatry residency training, including extensive psychotherapy training at MCO (Medical College of Ohio). Dr. Lentini also completed rotations in adult psychiatry training, including psychotherapy training. Details of training and formal standardized coursework below.
Professional Experience
Coaching Practice in Health & Wellness 2020-current
Private Practice, Consulting 2011-current
Adult Psychotherapy Outpatient Rotation, Vanderbilt University, TN, 2010 (case load included adult patients with Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression, PTSD, Substance Related Disorder, Adjustment Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, among others)
Outpatient Psychotropic Medication Management, Outpatient VA (case load included adult patients with Substance Use, Major Depression, Anxiety Disorder, TBI, PTSD, ADHD, AUD, among others)
Adult Inpatient Rotations in Psychiatry, Michigan State University, MI, 2008-2009, Behavioral Unit, Addictions Unit (case load included adult patients with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Alcohol Use Disorder, Substance Use Disorder, Dual Diagnosis, OCD, Dissociative Disorders, Personality Disorder, Eating Disorders, among others)
Moonlighting ER Resident, Archbold, Ohio, 2007-2008 Screening/Triage, Diagnosis/Treatment of Urgent & Non-urgent Medical & Psychiatric Conditions (case load included child and adult patients presenting with chest pain, breathing difficulty, heart arrhythmia, trauma, panic disorder, abdominal pain, fever, among others)
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Residency (2 years 2006-2008), Medical College of Ohio, Hospital Inpatient Unit: Child Psychiatry including Psychotherapy, Medical Management, Crisis Management, Team Coordination, Partial Hospitalization Program; Outpatient clinic: Counseling, Psychotherapy, Behavior modification therapy, Play therapy, Token economy, Small group therapy, Medication Management (case load included child and adolescent patients with Adjustment Disorder, Agoraphobia, MDD, PTSD, GAD, OCD, Mood Disorder, ODD, Conduct Disorder, ADHD, Selective Mutism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, Eating Disorder, among others)
Internship, Medical College of Ohio, 2005-2006 Wards: Neurology, Emergency Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry, Consult & Liaison Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry, Cardiology, and Internal Medicine (case load included patients with DM, HTN, MI, Stroke, AIDS, Trauma, Head injury, Kidney Disease, Cancer, Lupus, Neurological disorders such as Seizures, Functional Neurologic Symptom Disorder, Cerebral Palsy Disorder, Alzheimer’s Dementia, Levy Body Dementia, Parkinson’s, TBI; Psychiatric Disorders such as Substance Use Disorder, Mood disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Complicated Grief, Personality Disorder including Borderline, Schizoaffective, Histrionic, Antisocial and Delusional Disorder, among others). Skills training in blood draws, intubation, chest tubes, joint taps, emergency resuscitation, catheterization, sutures, other. Skills training in psychometric measures and research methods.
Psychotherapy training included: Psychodynamic psychotherapy, Dialectic Behavioral Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Supportive Therapy, Biofeedback in Psychotherapy, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Play Therapy, Cognitive Therapy and Behavioral Therapy, among others.
Specific extra training and coursework in Ann Arbor, Michigan for 2 years (concurrent to years 2 & 3 residency training) in Psychodynamic psychotherapy with MPC – Michigan Psychoanalytic Council. Specific supervision in psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Specific extra coursework and therapy and education in HRV Biofeedback and use of Biofeedback in Psychotherapy during residency training, including supervised peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Behavioral Health Counselor Marshall I. Pickens Psychiatric Hospital, Children’s Behavioral Unit, Greenville, SC, 1997-1999
Emergency Medical Technician, American Medical Response, Greenville, SC, 1996-1998
Teaching Experiences (1992-2022): Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Seminar for Residents, Case Conferences, Clinical cases for medical students – Medical College of Ohio; Public Health Course for community college students, Hendersonville, NC; Au Pair and English language tutor – Paris, France; Tutor: Chemistry, French, & Geometry – Greenville, SC
Lab Manager, Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory, Furman University, 1999-2000 Animal neurosurgery, Designed and carried out experiments in behavior, learning and neuroscience, Statistical analyses of experiments, Supervised and taught undergraduates, Veterinary care and husbandry for 200+ animals
Research assistant, Family Practice Office, Hendersonville, NC, 1995 Effects of Colloidal Ag+ on Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Pain, & Fibromyalgia.
Publications & Research Experience
Peer-reviewed scientific publications in Biofeedback with Anxiety, Depression, & ADHD; Child Development; Equine Assisted Therapy; Addictive Substances; & Neurologic Pain Pathways:
Lentini, J.A. (2020). Finding the Right Fit: Schooling Options for Children. In M. Knox (Ed.) Clinician’s Toolkit for Children’s Behavioral Health (pp. 101-123). London, UK: Academic Press, Elsevier.
Lentini, J.A., & Knox, M. (2015). Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) with Children & Adolescents: An Update and Literature Review. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health: Volume 10, Issue 3, 2015, pp 278-305.
Knox, M., Lentini, J., & Aiton, S. (2011). Effects of game-based relaxation training on attention problems in anxious children. Psychiatry On-line, The International Forum for Psychiatry.
Knox, M., Lentini, J., Cummings, T., McGrady, A., Whearty, K., & Sancrant, L. (2011). Game-based biofeedback for pediatric anxiety and depression. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 8:195-203.
Knox, M., Burkhart, K. & Lentini, J. (2010). Biofeedback for pediatric anxiety: Using technology to help children reduce tension and stress. Pediatrics for Parents, 26 (9/10), 16-17.
Knox, M. & Lentini, J., (2010). On Spanking. Pediatrics for Parents. 26 (5,6) 25-27.
Cummings, T., Knox, M., McGrady, A., Sancrant, L., Whearty, K., & Lentini, J. (2010). Computer-Aided Relaxation Training for Pediatric Anxiety. Poster presentation at the University of Toledo Annual Symposium on Research in Psychiatry, Psychology, and Behavioral Science.
Lentini, J.A. & Knox, M.S. (2009). A Qualitative and Quantitative Review of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) with Children and Adolescents. The Open Complementary Medicine Journal. 1, 51-57.
Staples, A.M., Lentini, J.A., Bales, J.R., Groce, M.K., Wilson, S.P., & Grisel, J.E. (2001). OFQ gene manipulation effects on morphine reward pathways and pain sensitivity. NCUR.
Grisel, J.E., Bales, J.R., Lowder, W.M., Lentini, J., Rinaldi, D., & Martin, B. (2000). Free-choice access to kava-kava decreases oral self-administration of ethanol in C57BL/6J mice. Alc. Clin. Exp. Res. 24:13A.
Grisel, J.E., Reinscheid, R.K., Lentini, J.A., Staples, A.M., & Wilson, S.P. (2000). Effect of virus-mediated OFQ gene manipulation on morphine analgesia, tolerance, dependence and conditioned place preference. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2000.
Certifications & Licensure
State Medical Board of North Carolina – Initial 2012, current active
State Medical Board of Illinois – 2011, now inactive; State Medical Board of South Carolina – 2009, now inactive; State Medical Board of Michigan – 2008, now inactive; State Medical Board of Ohio – 2007, now inactive
PALS – 2022, ACLS – 2022, BLS – 2022, ATLS – initial 2007
DEA – since 2007
Honors and Awards
Outstanding Performance in Service of Patients & Staff – Child Psychiatry Fellowship
Alumni Scholar’s Scholarship, Achievement Scholarship
Dean’s List
Phi Sigma Iota
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Volunteer Experience – past & present
Guardian ad Litem, NC Governor’s Office (current)
Charter School Board Member – 7 years service
Safelight Non-profit; Community Service Volunteer, Family Practice Office
French – five years study university level; German – audit
Equestrian, Reading, Writing, Photography, Hiking, & other outdoor activities
Interested in scheduling a consult? Text/call 828-782-0343 or email consult@docann.com