Free resources and access to publications (as available) below.
Local and National Resources 2-1-1 is a special abbreviated telephone number reserved in Canada and the United States as an easy-to-remember three-digit telephone number meant to provide information and referrals to health, human and social service organizations
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
You’re not alone. Confidential help is available for free. Available 24 hours a day. 365 days a year.
Call 1-800-273-8255
Text CONNECT to 741741 in the United States. Teens (or Adults) 24/7 text line. Suicide is preventable. Get free help now.
Mobile Crisis Unit: The WEST Team serves 11 counties in Western NC: Buncombe, Madison, Yancey, Transylvania, Henderson, Polk, Rutherford, McDowell, Mitchell, Alexander & Caldwell. For MCM services in these western counties, please call RHA MCM WEST.
Call 1-888-573-1006
Recommendations & FREE tools
Recommended Books:
Clinician’s Toolkit for Behavioral Health
Useful Apps, Most Free
Werdsmith, writing app
Fitbit, exercise app & product
Happify, Wellness app which includes HRV biofeedback
Ate, food photo journaling app

The following are Dr. Lentini’s Peer-Reviewed Published Studies, Abstracts, and Articles. Some links provided. Please inquire if you are interested in an author’s copy (not available for all studies).
Lentini, JA (2020) Finding the Right Fit: Schooling Options for Children. In M. Knox (Ed.) Clinician’s Toolkit for Children’s Behavioral Health. Academic Press. Amazon link.
Lentini, JA & Knox, M. (2015) Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) with Children & Adolescents: An Update and Literature Review. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 10(3) 278-305. Taylor & Francis Online Link
Knox, M., Lentini, J., Cummings, T., McGrady, A., Whearty, K., & Sancrant, L. (2011). Game-based biofeedback for pediatric anxiety and depression. Mental Health in Family Medicine. 8(3) 195-203. Link to US National Library of Medicine article
Knox, M., Lentini, J., & Aiton, S. (2011). Effects of Game-Based Relaxation Training on Attention Problems in Anxious Children. Psychiatry On-line, The International Forum for Psychiatry. HeartMath LINK
Knox, M., Burkhart, K. & Lentini, J. (2010). Biofeedback for pediatric anxiety: Using technology to help children reduce tension and stress. Pediatrics for Parents, 26 (9/10), 16-17. Link
Michele Knox, PhD & Jennifer Lentini, MD, (2010). On Spanking. Pediatrics for Parents. 26 (5,6) 25-27. Link
Cummings, T., Knox, M., McGrady, A., Sancrant, L., Whearty, K., & Lentini, J. (2010) Computer-Aided Relaxation Training for Pediatric Anxiety. Poster presentation at the University of Toledo Annual Symposium on Research in Psychiatry, Psychology, and Behavioral Science.
Lentini JA & Knox MS (2009). A Qualitative and Quantitative Review of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) with Children and Adolescents. The Open Complementary Medicine Journal. 1, 51-57. Link to PDF Open Complementary Medicine Journal
AM Staples, JA Lentini, JR Bales, MK Groce, SP Wilson and JE Grisel (2001). OFQ gene manipulation effects on morphine reward pathways and pain sensitivity. NCUR.
JE Grisel, JR Bales, WM Lowder, J Lentini, D Rinaldi, B Martin (2000). Free-choice access to kava-kava decreases oral self-administration of ethanol in C57BL/6J mice. Alc. Clin. Exp. Res. 24:13A.
JE Grisel, RK Reinscheid, JA Lentini, AM Staples, SP Wilson (2000). Effect of virus-mediated OFQ gene manipulation on morphine analgesia, tolerance, dependence and conditioned place preference. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 2000.